Prepare Your Home

Review Your Financial Situation

First impressions matter. Work with me as your realtor to get tips to make sure the exterior of your home looks attractive and inviting by cleaning up landscaping, mowing the lawn, and adding fresh mulch or flowers. Declutter and Depersonalize: Remove clutter and personal items from your home to create a clean and neutral canvas that allows potential buyers to envision themselves living there.

Make Necessary Repairs

Address any visible issues or deferred maintenance items, such as leaky faucets, chipped paint, broken fixtures, or damaged flooring. Consider hiring professionals for major repairs or renovations if needed.

Stage Your Home

Arrange furniture, decor, and accessories to showcase each room’s functionality and highlight its best features. Use staging techniques to create a cohesive and inviting look that appeals to a broad range of buyers.

Research Comparable Sales

I will help you to research recent sales of comparable homes in your area to determine a competitive listing price, and consider factors like location, size, condition, age, and amenities when comparing properties.

How I Will Market Your Home

Professional Photography: my investment in professional photography to showcase your home in the best possible light will help to attract more attention online and entice buyers to schedule viewings.

Online Listings

As a real estate agent, I maximize exposure by listing your home on multiple online platforms, including MLS, and Zillow, and other real estate websites, and social media channels and write compelling descriptions and highlight key selling points to capture buyers’ interest.

Print Marketing Materials

I create printed marketing materials such as flyers, brochures, and postcards to distribute to potential buyers and agents, including photos, property details, and contact information to generate inquiries.

Open Houses and Showings

I host open houses and schedule private showings to allow buyers to tour your home in person. This includes staging your home for open houses, providing information packets, and welcoming visitors.

Review Offers Carefully

I will work with you to evaluate each offer you receive based on price, terms, contingencies, and buyer qualifications. This includes factors like financing, your cash deposit, property taxes, closing timeline, and inspection contingencies.

Understand Market Conditions

With my help, we will consider the current market conditions and your priorities when negotiating with buyers. In a seller’s market, you may have more leverage to negotiate price and terms, while in a buyer’s market, you may need to be more flexible.

Counteroffer Strategically

Working closely with me, I will help facilitate your attorney, title transfer, and mortgage to ensure a smooth closing process. This includes providing any necessary documentation and information promptly to facilitate the transaction.

Address Contingencies

I will help to understand and place any necessary contingencies outlined in the purchase agreement, such as repairs, appraisals, financing, or inspection reports. I keep communication lines open with the buyer’s agent to address any concerns or issues that arise.

Review Closing Documents

Lastly, we will review all closing documents carefully with your attorney before signing. This includes making sure you understand the terms, fees, and obligations outlined in the sales contract, settlement statement, and other paperwork.

Schedule the Closing

We will coordinate with all parties involved to schedule a convenient closing date, time, and location. This includes a plan to sign the necessary paperwork and transfer ownership of the property to the buyer.

Attend the Closing

You can attend the closing meeting in person or with me. You will need a valid form of identification and any required funds for closing costs or escrow account contributions.

Transfer Possession

The last step is to hand over the keys and possession of the property to the buyer once the closing is complete. I will coordinate with the buyer and their agent to arrange for the transfer of utilities and services.

Follow Up

Follow up with me, your attorney, and other professionals involved in the transaction to let us know if you have any questions and ensure any remaining tasks or post-closing responsibilities are addressed.