What is the Best Time to Put Single Family Homes for Sale in Surrey?

Do you need help finding the right time to put your single family homes for sale in Surrey? We can understand your pain! For the home sellers, finding the right time, or we can say the best time, to sell their property is a tiresome task. Selling a house is not as hard as taking it on your head; finding the right time is the real trick to do magic. Knowing about current market conditions, the latest trends in real estate, and estimating the correct home value, what is more important for you? Many aspects need to be kept in mind, which we will highlight in this guide below.

Single-family homes for sale in Surrey in the best market conditions

Selling the house can depend on different factors, and understanding the market conditions plays a significant role. The ideal time to list your home is the first week of the new month. During this time, buyers are more active, and you can hold the finest value for your property. But that’s not all! If you think this time of year is the busiest of all, it is just a myth. There are a lot of other times of the year when buyers are at their peak to explore the market and get a fresh property in their hands.

Early summer is also the right option to grab top dollar for your property. It will be worth considering. You should give your house a ready look and understand what the current market condition wants you to add to your property. Selling your property in the fall and spring seasons might not favour you. They are generally slower periods, but you can still research them before listing them for them.

Spring season turns out to be the ideal option for quick results. In this season, fewer homes are available for sale, eventually letting the buyer move towards your option. Before you put your property on sale, it is essential to understand what other homes are doing for a successful selling story. You should see what property value they are setting to determine your home’s value.

Optimize the value of your home

To attract buyers after putting townhomes for sale in Surrey BC during cold markets, it is essential to showcase even your small property in the best light. Try to:

  1. Stage the home to focus on appeal and spaciousness.
  2. Make some domestic improvements, including landscaping and fresh paint.
  3. Declutter to highlight the home’s cleanliness and space
  4. Accentuate positives such as extensive yards and recent remodels
  5. Obtain pre-inspections for addressing the issues upfront

Offering immersive virtual experiences can help

Many of us overlook the importance of adding virtual experiences to home selling. But you do not yet know how much of an immense transformation it can bring into your home selling process. The idea of using in-person showings and photos emerged during the 2010s. In 2024, buyers expect to have a more immersive and rich experience through virtual touch. This can help them gain a deeper insight into the property, i.e., every nook and corner.

Interactive virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) tours are an essential marketing tool. A high-quality VR tour helps prospective buyers explore your property in a 360-degree video. AR takes a further step by integrating some virtual elements into the real-world view. This will enable the buyers to experiment with various furniture arrangements, color schemes, and fantastic decor styles before coming up with an offer.

Mistakes to avoid when selling single-family homes in Surrey
  1. Setting an unrealistic price

Whether with an agent’s help or doing it alone, setting an unrealistic and proper price is the key. While buying a home in Surrey, a comparative analysis is conducted with the help of a real estate agent. The same is the case when you are selling a home. This price settlement will help you know what the market wants.

  1. Selling during winter months

Unbelievably, there is a right time to sell throughout the year. Winter—especially around holidays- for home sales—usually represents a quiet period. People are occupied with social events, and staying home appeals more in the cold as most of the nation experiences it.

  1. Not carrying proper insurance

Your lender might have insisted on you getting insurance coverage. If not, you should ensure you are insured should a visitor trip over the property and seek to sue you for damages. You also want to ensure there are no clear risks on the property or that you act to minimize them.

  1. Not accommodating the buyers

Even if it bothers you, you must let someone visit your residence if they want. Before each visit, make the house neat and orderly. A buyer won’t know or care if your home was tidy last week. Though a lot of work, keep your eye on the prize. You should give the buyers a complete freedom to inspect each and every side of your property for their satisfaction.

  1. Not staging the property

Staging a house might result in better house prices and faster sales. Not everyone, though, should pay a professional staging company. Whether the sale of a home depends on it or not, simply cleaning and organizing a few steps can significantly influence its appeal. Therefore, they should be done before moving.

Consult a seller expert agent: Will it help?

100% yes! For some people, selling the home themselves will keep them from paying a commission percentage to the agents. This is a significant mistake you are making! I helped a friend to find reliable real estate agent near me and at that point I got to know their actual value. Real estate agents can be an actual saviour for you because they can guide you through successful selling techniques. The real estate market changes every second, and there is no doubt about it. However, understanding and highlighting those changes is extremely important; only a realtor can help you.